This is the very first blog post! Well, not really, but I do feel the need to write this down.

First of all, I hope you find here what you’re looking for. Right now there isn’t much content on the website, but hopefully, soon there will be plenty of good content about search, software engineering, clean code, reviews about online services, libraries, courses, and maybe some NLP goodness.

I’ve been writing for a while now for myself, keeping somewhat structured notes that never get shared and get lost over time. I hope that with this blog these notes will get more life and that they might be of some use to you.

For me, blogging is is a way to learn and share what I’ve learned. Just remembering ideas and concepts is hard, but writing them down in your own words and putting them into practice goes a long way in terms of learning.

There is a full backlog about topics, so please stay tuned! Here’s the link to the RSS Feed, but regardless, stop by and say hello anytime.

If you’ve been looking to write your own blog check out this talk by Khalid Abuhakmeh. Right now he’s helping out new bloggers (as myself) to set up their blog and get going, so go and ask him about some tips!